How to broaden your network and get the job you want – following your own path?!
Diana Lund Nordstrøm is a dual career consultant at the International Office of the University of Copenhagen and she helps people reach their next career goals.
In this episode we talk about:
- How you can brush up your LinkedIn Profile to make it more ‘you’ and at the same more attractive for your potential future employer
- How to use LinkedIn for networking, knowledge sharing and gathering, and in a way that suits your personality and intentions
Some ‘quick and dirty’-tips for you – for the full insight check out the podcast episode 🙂
- Follow #hashtags that represent you interests and/or field of research. This might make it easier for you to enter conversations and interactions.
- Make ‘connecting’ a conscious decision.
- Be aware that the things you spend time on, are what you will see more of – in a positive as well as in a negative way. I am sure you have heard it before but still a reminder: We do create our own bubbles.
- Think about what you would like to be known or remembered for. Such check-ins can guide you when you are unsure about whether you want to interact.
- In the LinkedIn mobile App, you have the option of creating a small video to introduce yourself. The video will show when someone looks at your profile and hoovers over your profile picture. If this is something you feel comfortable with, give it a shot : )
- A LinkedIn profile, is not just a static a CV, is meant to point forward in time. What are you aiming at? What is your vision for the future – yours as well as in the collective?
- When filling in the About section, put yourself in the head of the say top 3 companies you would like to work with. What do you think, would be interesting for them to read about you?
- When asking for recommendations – let people know what you would like them to focus on.
The other job searching engine Diana mentioned: Jobindex
Diana’s podcast on Spotify (in Danish)
You can also find her on YouTube (in English)
If you would like to connect with Diana, check out LinkedIn.
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